Saturday, February 26, 2011
Mmk.. Good to know?..

Sunday, February 13, 2011
I understand my divine potential, as an heir to eternal life.
And “[t]his is the day of our mortal probation," a chance to prove ourselves, so to speak… Elder Wirthlin compared our eternal journey to a race of three laps around a track. The first being our pre-earth life and our decision to come to earth. Our earth life is our second lap…"[c]an you imagine a world-class runner stopping along the track at this point to pick flowers or chase a rabbit that crossed his path? Yet this is what we are doing when we occupy our time with worldly pursuits that do not move us closer to the third lap toward eternal life, the greatest of all the gifts of God”. We cannot give up our divine potential for what is seemingly enthralling or the short-lived pleasures of the world.
This perspective may be hard to keep throughout college, with our fast paced lives we may look to others as role models for "fun", somehow thinking that the praise of others will boost our self worth. When really we need just remember that "the worth of souls is great in the sight of God" (D&C 18:10). We all need a higher more confident image of ourselves, "but Satan would have us believe it comes totally from the praise of others when in fact it comes from our relationship with God".