1. Never eat fast food late at night, but mostly just never. After a long night of studying I made Kelsie go with me to grab something to eat, which meant I had to break my no-fast-food-streak, because nothing else was open! We couldn't even finish one order of chicken fingers and fries between the two of us -- luckily the shake was no problem for us to finish.
2. I have serious plans to learn the Love on Top dance over Christmas break, but first I need to find at least five backup dancers.
3. Sometimes I like my own photos on instagram -- solely because they make me happy.
4. My face lit up when I found out about the possibility of buying engineering paper in large quantities (boxes at a time). I'm not even an engineer, but real chemists use engineering paper too?
5. Sometimes I have 5 half drunk water bottles in various places around my room -- I would like to think that this occurrence mostly only happens during finals week, but I think it's a common trend at any given time.
7. I have an obsession for candles, especially the twisted peppermint kind that's in my apartment. And sometimes its flames make it worth staying up a little later to study just so I can feel of its holiday cheer.
8. Church around Christmas time is the most splendid.