Saturday, February 25, 2012

Currently Loving:

These are a few of my favorite things… 
because they occupy my life.

1. Count down paper chains.
2. Skiing in the deep.
3. Mr. President and his day of sorts.
4. Hearts (that my mom willingly cut out for me to decorate my apartment slash sit on my desk? If you're interested?)
5.  Vacuuming. When the vacuum is up for it?
6.  That photo up there.
7.  Making that high-pitched noise, because it's just oh so cute.
8.  Thinking about graduation = too, too far away.
9.  Lady Gaga.  As much as I want to hate her (music), I can't.  It's impeccable. Guilty pleasure? maybe.
10.  The undersized heart-shaped wreath that hangs on the door.  I don't want February to end… because heart-shaped wreaths are only for this month of love?
11.  Kodiak.
12.  Warming my hands on the lamp at my desk, because it's impossible to have warm hands (studying) ever.
13.  Instagram. What's better than something so instant?
14.  Elder Holland's talk on the Missionary Work and the Atonement… because Elder Holland is my favorite and the gospel is omnipresent.


Sunday, February 12, 2012

I should never….

I should never… think I'm going to get homework done over a weekend trip with these girls, and the best part is that I didn't even care.  This weekend all my London girls drove down to Las Vegas to see Miss Stephanie become Mrs. Seth Probert.  She was engaged the whole time we were in London and is finally married! She of course looked flawless and unbelievably happy.  After her wedding we ran down to the strip, and I made myself go on the ride, "Big Shot" on the top of the Stratosphere.  (yes, I had to make myself), and I'm so glad I did.  :)  

I should have never… changed my weather updates on my phone to Las Vegas' weather.  I was way too excited and confused when I saw it was 65 degrees and sunny this week. And my mistake also cost me a very cold day in just a sweater.  Oops...

Speaking of weather… I should never… think it's okay to make assumptions about international weather conditions to my physics class. My very loud claim: " It's hotter than China in here"… The Chinese boys in front of me didn't appreciate that… and honestly I know mostly nothing about the weather in China, but apparently it might be hot?… 

Just for fun?  Today's forecast in Beijing - low 25 F high 46 F - so it's not too hard to be hotter than China (Beijing) these days.

We had matching long skirts.

The Las Vegas Temple.
Seth prepared a dance for Steph = classic. :) 

Sometimes Maggie and I just want pictures together.