Friday, December 6, 2013

A video of love

I debated whether or not I wanted a wedding video, but the more I watched Kale Fitch's films the more I was convinced I needed it.  He was booked for the year, but made an exception for our wedding.  Jacob has caught me watching it way too many times than I'd like admitting.  It's almost like reliving the day, and what a perfect day it was.  

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Dreams of Chemistry

Physical Chemistry haunted my dreams as a freshman chemistry student, because it seemed so far away and so very difficult. I wondered if I would actually ever make it to pchem.  I don’t know what I thought would stop me from taking it, but possibly a major change if chemistry became not fun.  So today physical chemistry is still in my dreams, and if you ask Jacob, he would probably still say it haunts them when he hears me sleep talking about the orbitals. 

One night I fell asleep on the couch studying pchem.  Falling asleep on the couch never ends up well for anyone, but it seems like the best place to study late at night. Every single time.  Jacob woke me up to go to bed when he was done doing some more serious studying.  In my confused and sleep-deprived state I crawled into bed as irritated as could be.  “Jacob, I’m annoyed!” He asked me why, and I explained that the pi and sigma orbitals inside of me weren’t aligned correctly, so they couldn’t form bonds, and it was making me upset.  I got annoyed when Jacob tried to cuddle with me and finally got up to go to the bathroom.  When I came back I explained that I got all my high energy electrons out, so now I was in my ground state, (apparently a much happier state).  Next I apologized to Jacob for not letting him cuddle with me, but he was at a different temperature than I was, so we couldn’t form a bond!

And last night I dreamt about point groups for far too long.  But this time it’s not haunting any dreams, rather pchem is a surprisingly pleasant comfort.  It means I’m learning or at least thinking about learning, and luckily for me, my pi and sigma orbitals are feeling a lot better these days. 

*** Picture from Hawaii in August at the top of Mount Haleakala****


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Temple Marriage

We recently got our pictures back from Lindsey Orton, and I of course love them.  Jacob, of course finds me looking at them far too often.  Oops.  I wanted to share the pictures from the temple first.  The whole day was beyond perfect, but the temple was the absolutely most important part of the day.  It was where Jacob and I were sealed together for time and all eternity.  I am so grateful for our temple marriage.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Birthday for Days.

Happy Birthday to this sweet husband of mine.  Jacob's birthday was actually over a week ago, but luckily for me we celebrate birthday months, so happy birthday Jacob; I love that I am yours.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Granite Countertops and Other Sentimental Things

I moved home to my parents house a few weeks before I got married... for the last time... It was a Wednesday.  When nighttime came my bed was still surrounded with piles of clothes and dishes and bags.  My bathroom was the most organized, so I was able to think as I brushed my teeth that night.  I noticed the granite countertop and the way it shined purple.  Eleven years prior my mom took me to the granite quarry and let me choose my very favorite granite for my very own bathroom.  She took me with her to select the brick for the exterior of our house.  She valued my ten year-old opinion and instilled confidence within me.  I have good parents.  Even before I was old enough to date my mom reminded me daily, that "I was the catch".  And when I returned home late from a date one time my dad was up waiting by the door to greet my date and me.  I have good parents.  My freshman year at the dorms I committed to run everyday, and when I couldn't go until it was late at night (sometimes midnight) my dad would drive down to campus with our dog and run the stairs with me without a compliant.  When I was sick in college my mom would provide me with endless orange juice and airborne and welcomed me home late at night when I needed more love than an apartment could offer.  I have good parents.  So now that I'm married and staring my own family I hope I will be the kind of parent that my children will remember their granite countertops with fondness, like I do mine.  And perhaps they will think, "I have good parents".  

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Wedding Dress

I have this thing for dresses, specifically wedding dresses - and more specifically my wedding dress.  I spent seemingly endless hours (endless to Jacob) at fittings and designing and redesigning my dress, because... you only wear it once.  And something about wearing a dress just once seemed absolutely perfect.  

Thanks to Nancy, for perfection and a timepiece-like dress, Lindsey for timeless pictures, and Jacob for the most happiness and love.