Saturday, June 8, 2013

Every Moment.

Every Moment is the Best.

1.  Last Saturday Jacob and my family went to Taylor Swift's Red tour in Salt Lake City.  Needless to say it was flawless.  

2.  This week we got snow cones to get our red/blue-dye fix for the next year.  Who knew it'd be so good?  (sweet and condensed milk is a must).

3.  We went on a run, and somehow Jacob and I ended up on a bike.

4.  We studied like serious students should.  

5.  Jacob took multiple tests like normal students do.

6.  I took zero tests this week/semester.  Education classes are very different in the most terrific sense of the word.  (But I'm excited for my chemistry classes in the fall!) 

7.  Jacob and I are in the process of becoming serious dancers.

8.  I planned a little more wedding stuff.  This is a big accomplishment for me... I still have a lot more to do.   

9. We went to the rooftop concert series, and pretended to understand the lyrics. 

***My mom ran the Utah Valley Marathon.  She is so awesome***