Saturday, November 6, 2010

Christmas is just around the corner. I feel like I will be blogging a lot about Christmas in the next few weeks… because I love it so much. And today I found the orange juice in our fridge expires on the 25th of December. I think I will savor some of the juice to celebrate on Christmas day… that and the Martinelli's in my dorm fridge, there are about four of them, and I have about one a week… (I hope these never expire) Kelsie is an eyewitness of my addiction of sorts.

So, I volunteer at the Boys and Girls Club every Friday. Last week BYU planned a Halloween party for the children, and it was very successful. Bobbing for apples has never been so rigorous, and the every child somehow came up drenched, yet content. They even held a haunted house filled with ghosts and zombies and Barack Obama. I went through the haunted house three times and each time children most feared Mr. President. It's good to know that our President stands as an object of fear for small children in our nation.

Know what class I still hate?… American Heritage. It is omnipresent, and I will be so sad when I fail the class… but I have to admit the lectures are intriguing when my teacher dresses like a confederate soldier or when students attempt to sell their souls (or just a year's worth of savings) for a doughnut. I find other students occupy the lectures with facebook (thank goodness for wifi), writing each other notes (cute gesture?), and even applying makeup (midday touchups?). I will survive this class.

My dorm wall has been horribly plain and sterile-like (besides my stellar Christmas chain) until last night. I ripped up my J.crew magazines and randomly stuck them on my wall. For some reason I now feel more at home and will enjoy looking at the black male models before I slip to sleep.

So, my parents are out of town, so Andrew, Leslie, and I are spending quality time with Skyler. :)

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