Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Andrew Michael Conley.

The chemistry majors?… I feel like it's a tradition of sorts, but the boys wanted to put me on the outside of this picture, so it'd be easier to crop me out of the photo in case I changed my major… Needless to say I snuck myself in right where I belonged. :)

Andrew Michael Conley. BYU graduate. Chemistry major. Business minor. 2011.

After finals I rushed to the commencement exercises in the Marriott Center to support Andrew in his graduation, the beginning of a two day event. Leslie talked on the phone with Andrew while he was walking in to the Marriott Center, so we could visually follow him to his seat from across the way. They recognized all the graduates, giving the master's and doctoral graduates special recognition, which weirdly embedded a strong(er) desire to get my masters/PhD. Besides the "hooding" ceremony slash the "hood" itself, they seemed to enjoy a substantial amount of perks (best seats/receiving more flower leis etc). Elder Scott spoke (how cool is that), and I oddly got emotional (this is very odd for anyone that knows me), but I just felt so blessed to be at BYU, and I was overcome by Andrew's accomplishment. He is the first child in our family to graduate from BYU, and Elder Scott's words spoke directly to me as a student attending this beautiful university. Andrew was one of 15 chemistry graduates this April.

In a brief "interview" with Andrew via facetime I learned a little bit about his experience at BYU. Andrew suggested that I look up some quotes by Abraham Lincoln or Winston Churchill-"someone who people wouldn't know who said it, but they'd know it wasn't me," in the words of Andrew. (He learned how to utilize his resources/the internet in college). Both Honest Abe and Prime-minister Churchill had worthwhile quotes for the occasion. The first from Churchill, "Difficulties mastered are opportunities won," and the second from Mr. President, " All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother".

Was it worth it Andrew? …silence… "On a scale of one to seven, with one being worth it, it was a negative one." This gave me hope, only being a sophomore in the same major. Andrew said that he "loves BYU," and his only advice for me was to, "change [my] major," with a slight laugh… His favorite class was physics 123, which I will have the privilege/torture to take next year. Andrew became very familiar with the Benson building throughout his stay at Brigham Young University, and we even spent time together studying in the fishbowl (although my favorite place to study is the fourth floor conference room). I look up to Andrew as an example and mentor. Whatever he decides to do I know he'll do it well and be of great service! :)


  1. you...megan conley...emotional?
    i would pay to see that.

  2. Go Chemists! Love the post Megan. You are the brightest most beautiful girl and will do well with whatever you choose! Love you!
