Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sleepovers are for College.

Sleepovers weren't allowed in my house growing up. My mom believed that nothing good happened at sleepovers, so we stayed in the comforts of our own bed. I remember intently liste
ning to last October's general conference surprised by Larry R. Lawrence's talked, titled: "Courageous Parenting". I still think my mom wrote/helped write this talk. Elder Lawrence said, "May I express my personal warning about a practice that is common in many cultures. I am referring to sleepovers, or spending the night at the home of a friend. As a bishop I discovered that too many youth violated the Word of Wisdom or the law of chastity for the first time as part of a sleepover." So I never really reminisced in any would-have-been experiences throughout middle school/high school, but Mallory Peterson and I figured we needed to end the school year with my first-ever-soon-to-be-annual sleepover at the dorms.

We had one night to caught up on everything we missed… so what did we do?… Logically we hit up the BYU creamery for the essentials, transferred a traffic cone, bought most E.L. Fudge products available at the nearest Smith's, indulged in Princess fruit snacks, made a goofy scavenger hunt that logically led to my parents' mailbox, bought some hardcore tattoos, parked outside Liberty Square for….. way too long, wrote a few poems (the real rhyming kind), laughed about lots of super funny things (and some not-so-funny things), sat on my bed, attempted to watch a movie, and slept (maybe). Sleepovers are for college. :)

*Picture above resembles my tattoo that I have yet to use. I just get a thrill from opening the cardboard flap that reveals my surprise tattoo. (actual use of the tattoo after that point is optional). :)

"Many malt beverages contain alcohol. Please read the label."

1 comment:

  1. Did this just make my day, week, month? Absolutely. Seriously, I love this, and the fact that our first sleepover was as nearly-20-year-olds (that sounds so much older than 19) Thank you for this :)
