Saturday, December 11, 2010

College is full of dating...

As it should be, but college is also full of college, so for two months out of the school year I don't date. These months have been nicknamed Dry December and Abstinence April, for obviously reason, of course. The nickname basically describes the restrictions in each month?… In all actuality I will have abstinence in April, and the rest of the eleven months in the year, whether or not I deem it an official nickname. These months have just been selected so I can study for finals, which are seemingly pretty real, and I am seemingly pretty terrified, but life is good.

I rediscovered my love for roller blading as a form of exercise and recreation. I now keep my rollerblades in my car for easy access. Unfortunately my excitement may be short lived until the spring, but skiing will surely take it's place, and snowshoeing, which I've done a total of once. It's slowly becoming a hobby of mine, you could say?… Winter activities are the best.


  1. OK. Rollerblading... and not calling me? I'm glad we both blogged about Dating.. Abstinence April. hahah
