Sunday, June 26, 2011

Yesterday I biked and….

Yesterday I got cold sitting in my lonesome kitchen, so I ventured outside for the company of warmth. I laid in my hammock for an extended period of time and rested my head on the ever-so-black pillow, soaking up the sun and tidbits of Hamlet. Sammy came to visit me because Kodiak wasn't around to push his covetous nose between Sammy and me. I ate dinner on the porch with my dad and talked of grown-up things, like the prominent sound of Justin Bieber echoing across the river and literary works. I went on a golf cart ride.

And just after dark I snuggled against the brick to collect any remaining heat from the day and play Surfacer, the infamous game. I'm an addict, somewhat, and I don't even know why… I beat this free version every time, yet I continue to play and weirder yet, find satisfaction in doing so. I crawled into my parents' bed around midnight and jokingly told them I was going to sleep there with them. But I was kind of serious, because I hadn't put clean sheets on my bed yet and my thought-of-mattress was less than inviting. I left at 1:00 AM and settled for Skyler's spare bed, which is always prepared for me. Today I plan on keeping a similar schedule with a little more Hamlet.

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